Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Go For The Diet Solution Consciously

Most of the people around us want to get rid of increasing body fat, cholesterol, blood sugar, constipation and decreasing energy day by day. The Diet Solution can only keep you away from these critical problems. You can get rid of it permanently. Set up your mind about what you want to achieve regarding your health. Identification of metabolic type is the primary stage to make an ideal diet chart for you. Needed amount of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats varies according to the metabolic type of man. You are advised to avoid some foods that are dangerous for your health and need to take alternative foods side by side.

It is recommended for you to avoid foods that contain hydrogenated fats. Margarine, cereals, crackers, cookies and chips should be strictly eliminated as these foods contain hydrogenated fats. You should avoid processed soy foods immediately. If you are alcoholic then eliminate it permanently or it can be taken one glass per week. Your only recommended sweetener is stevia. You are allowed to take two cups of coffee per day. Keep a food journal which is very important for The Diet Solution Program. You can take sweetener with beverages as it is necessary to maintain your body calorie.

You should always take alternative foods like plenty of vegetables and fruits, boiled eggs and raw nuts. Some recommended foods are raw chocolates, organic eggs, organic meat and poultry, sprouted breads, fish, avocado, raw diary products, butter and baked sweet potatoes. All these foods contain high quality protein that can reduce hunger and give you nutrition. Omega 3 oils such as flaxseed or krill, cod liver, coconut oil and salmon are highly preferred for you. Don’t forget to be conscious about the pros and cons of The Diet Solution you are going to take. Only the perfect diet plan can give you the health you want to achieve.

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